Welcome to the Children’s Department

The mission of the BSDA children’s ministry department is to create a child-friendly church where all children are nurtured to fall into a loving and serving relationship with Jesus. We are about developing the faith of our children from 0-12 years. We sincerely pray that we will train our children to love Jesus so much that nothing else will be attractive to them.
Every Sabbath we cater for children of various needs and abilities. We strongly believe that every child matters to us as a church and more importantly to Jesus. With this mantra in mind, we feel that our children should be actively seen throughout all the services we offer.
We provide fun-loving, engaging and interactive activities in sabbath school and divine worship sessions. These activities are not just confined to Sabbaths but are dotted to mark various occasions throughout the year.
 Every year, for one week in the summer holidays we offer a fun-filled Vacation Bible School (VBS). On this occasion, we transform the church to reflect the theme and messages we want to convey. Special days are marked and celebrated as we partner with our General Conference (GC), South England Conference (SEC)and other world events.
Our sabbath school is divided into the following classes:
Beginners 0-3
Kindergarten 4-5
Primary 6-9
PowerPoint 10-12
We start at 9:45 each sabbath morning (Saturday). You are welcome to join us in church or Via zoom link as we have adopted a blended approach to facilitate all.
We are constantly trying to implement new programmes and ideas that will leave an indelible mark on the heart of any child who walks through our doors.
 For further information please contact childrensministry@brixtonda.co.uk

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Monumental - Vacation Bible School 1-5 August 2022

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