The Open doors soup kitchen facility that we provide at the Brixton SDA church, is quite a rewarding and fulfilling project. Every Thursday we invite members of the community to join us for a hot nutritious meal, music and friendship.

We the members of the Brixton SDA church deem it a great pleasure to have this opportunity to be of help, support, and service to our community in this way. We are able to operate on a small budget of offerings collected from the members of the church, with the added support of donations of food items from our local stores such as TESCO, and the FARE SHARE ORGANISATION. We provide a variety of across-the-board meals to suit the varied nationalities we cater for to the best of our ability.

The numbers that attend vary from week to week from between fifty to seventy.

We also distribute items of clothing when possible.

We also distribute food items cooked, and uncooked to take away for those who do not sit at the tables.

There are also some that will take hot meals in containers for their sick friends and families who are unable to attend in person.

We also offer time, and a friendly approach for those who are in need of a listening ear, and whatever additional help, or aid that is at our disposal.

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